ChessBotX can also play variants of chess, here is list of supported variants:
- crazyhouse
- three check
- antichess
- king of the hill
- horde
- racing kings
- chess960
- atomic
Please note that chess bot can play most variants only in automatic mode from the start position. However, for some variants like "king of the hill" or "chess960" it will work fine in advisor mode from random position also.
So, how to play? Please follow these steps:
1. First of all
you need to download special engine
: DOWNLOAD ENGINE 2. Unzip it and load in the bot. 3. Select "" from dropdown list and click on settings button (
see picture №1
). 4. Select variant you want to play and press "Apply" (
see picture №2
). 5. Start bot as usual.
Also a few words about
. As you may see, this variant is not included in the list. The thing is that this variant basically very similar to classic chess, the only difference is random starting positions (well, castling rules also, but it's not a big deal).
So to play
variant you don't even need a special engine. Just use advisor mode or "continue from position" feature. Also this will work not only at lichess, but also on